Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis (aada) |
Advances in Complex Systems (acs) |
Annals of Financial Economics (afe) |
Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter (appn) |
Advances in Synchrotron Radiation (asr) |
Algebra Colloquium (ac) |
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine (ajcm) |
Analysis and Applications (aa) |
Asia-Pacific Biotech News (apbn) |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (apjor) |
Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter (APMN) |
Asian Case Research Journal (acrj) |
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (aejm) |
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (bme) |
Biophysical Reviews and Letters (brl) |
China: An International Journal (cij) |
China Economic Policy Review (cepr) |
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (cjps) |
Climate Change Economics (cce) |
Coastal Engineering Journal (cej) |
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics (ccm) |
Confluentes Mathematici (cm) |
COSMOS (cosmos) |
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications (dmaa) |
Division of Labour & Transaction Costs (dltc) |
East Asian Policy (eap) |
Fluctuation and Noise Letters (fnl) |
Fractals |
Functional Materials Letters (fml) |
Gene Therapy and Regulation (gtr) |
Global Journal of Economics (gje) |
Hand Surgery (hs) |
The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work (hkjsw) |
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics (idaqp) |
Innovation |
International Game Theory Review (igtr) |
International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration (ijacr) |
International Journal of Algebra and Computation (ijac) |
International Journal of Applied Mechanics (ijam) |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (ijbc) |
International Journal of Biomathematics (ijb) |
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications (ijcga) |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications (ijcia) |
International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering (ijcmse) |
International Journal of Computational Methods (ijcm) |
International Journal of Computer Processing Of Languages (ijcpol) |
International Journal of Development and Conflict (ijdc) |
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (ijcis) |
The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies (华人研究国际学报) (ijdcs) |
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (ijfcs) |
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (ijgmmp) |
International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems (ijhses) |
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (ijhr) |
International Journal of Image and Graphics (ijig) |
International Journal of Information Acquisition (ijia) |
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (ijitdm) |
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (ijitm) |
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim) |
International Journal of Machine Consciousness (ijmc) |
International Journal of Mathematics (ijm) |
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing (ijmssc) |
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series (ijmpcs) |
International Journal of Modern Physics A (ijmpa) |
International Journal of Modern Physics B (ijmpb) |
International Journal of Modern Physics C (ijmpc) |
International Journal of Modern Physics D (ijmpd) |
International Journal of Modern Physics E (ijmpe) |
International Journal of Nanoscience (ijn) |
International Journal of Neural Systems (ijns) |
International Journal of Number Theory (ijnt) |
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ijprai) |
International Journal of PIXE (ijpixe) |
International Journal of Quantum Information (ijqi) |
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (ijrqse) |
International Journal of Semantic Computing (ijsc) |
International Journal of Shape Modeling (ijsm) |
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (ijseke) |
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (ijssd) |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (ijtaf) |
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (ijufks) |
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (ijwmip) |
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (ijait) |
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (jams) |
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics (jad) |
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (jaa) |
Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation (jai) |
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (jbcb) |
Journal of Biological Systems (jbs) |
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (jcsc) |
Journal of Computational Acoustics (jca) |
Journal of Construction Research (jcr) |
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship (jde) |
Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami (jet) |
Journal of Enterprising Culture (jec) |
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (jeapm) |
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (jhde) |
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (jikm) |
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences (jiohs) |
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (jin) |
Journal of Interconnection Networks (join) |
Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy (jicep) |
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (jktr) |
Journal of Mathematical Logic (jml) |
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (jmmb) |
Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials (jmem) |
Journal of Multiscale Modeling (jmm) |
Journal of Musculoskeletal Research (jmr) |
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (jnmp) |
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (jnopm) |
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (jpp) |
Journal of Social Theory (社会理论学报) (jst) |
Journal of South Seas Society (南洋学报) (JSSS) |
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (jtcc) |
Journal of Topology and Analysis (jta) |
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (m3as) |
Middle East Development Journal (medj) |
Modern Physics Letters A (mpla) |
Modern Physics Letters B (mplb) |
NANO (nano) |
Nano LIFE (Nano LIFE) |
New Mathematics and Natural Computation (nmnc) |
Open Systems & Information Dynamics (osid) |
Optics and Photonics Letters (opl) |
Parallel Processing Letters (ppl) |
Random Matrices: Theory and Application (rmta) |
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (rptel) |
Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology (rast) |
Reviews in Mathematical Physics (rmp) |
Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies (rpbfmp) |
The Quarterly Journal of Finance (qjf) |
The Singapore Economic Review (ser) |
Stochastics and Dynamics (sd) |
Surface Review and Letters (srl) |
SPIN (spin) |
Systems Research Forum (srf) |
Tangent (Tangent) |
Unmanned Systems (us) |